
2023-05-31 07:31 Link megnyitása Részletek tumblrcicanaci:despazito: despazito:despazito:thinking about that kakapo egg that got crushed but the...

cicanaci:despazito: despazito:despazito:thinking about that kakapo egg that got crushed but the conservation team patched it up and it survived life will persist against all odds For those who don’t follow kakapo conservation, they are critically endangered parrots who only breed on years where the rimu tree they rely on meet a certain threshold of fruit production. One breeding season in 4 years can be typical, and about half of all eggs laid by kakapo are infertile (they still aren’t completely certain why, it could be a recent population bottleneck) so each fertile egg is worth its weight in gold. This was one of only 5 fertile eggs laid on the Whenua Hou island population in the 2014 breeding season and it got crushed by its mother on accident. It was mended with glue and tape and incubated by the rangers until hatching.At 150 days old kakapo chicks are officially added to the population total and given a unique name, until then they are given their mother’s name and a number for birth order laid in the clutch. This chick was known as Lisa-one before officially being given the name Ruapuke by local indigenous Ngai Tahu people.Here he is grown up: mai fontos tumblisztori! 😍 1998-ban vagy 99ben nyilvánították a sziget rágcsálómentesnek, azóta meg gőzerővel a kakapo mentő program, a világ összes kakapójának a fele kb itt lakik (összesen van kb. 250 példány) de nem egy szapora fajzat, bármelyik nap kihalhat a gecibeviszont elképesztő méretei vannak, megnő 3 kilósra és fél méter magasra, ha hagyják és elél száz évig, ha nem eszik meg tojás korában a patkányok, egerek, posszumok vagy kiskorában a macskáka sziget ahol laknak nem látogatható csak a tudákos mebrek meg a rangerek mehetnek oda

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